Monday 2 January 2012

60 women died in Spain in 2011 at the hands of their partners

The number is however 13 fewer than the number of fatalities in 2010
A protest against domestic violence - Photo EFEA protest against domestic violence - Photo EFE
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A total of 60 women died at the hands of their partners during 2011. The number is 13 fewer than in 2010. Only 30% of them had previously placed a complaint for domestic violence or ill-treatment. Since 2003 when the statistics started to be compiled, 605 women have died in this way.

Nearly all of the killers end up spending an average of 18 years in jail.

The New Year began with another case, as the bodies of a man and a woman were found in Girona. The Mossos d’Esquardra consider that he killed her before killing himself.

A CIS survey showed, in an advanced bulletin of the results, that more than half a million children had been hit this year, and that 840,000 are exposed to the family violence against their mothers.

Another survey carried out last year shows that 1.4% of the general population in Spain still thinks domestic violence is justified in certain circumstances, and perhaps even more worryingly 80% of youngsters think it is reasonable for women to satisfy the desires of their men. Eight out of ten said that there were too many details in the reporting of such cases in Spain.

The PP could change the legislation following requests from the General Council for Judicial Power which thinks that the Penal Code should allow for children who have witnessed the violence to be taken into care. They also demand that no macho killer be allowed to receive a widower’s pension. DISCLAIMER Text may be subject to copyright.This blog does not claim copyright to any such text. Copyright remains with the original copyright holder.

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